Volcanic 🌋 Auroras X flares Plasma clouds of Angels Govs looking for angels Comet of Liberation

10 months ago

Cashapp TheeRepenter Events of Thee Son of Man
My comet is showering us with the things of change of revolution of liberation of salvation it always seems to be dusting earth when I am doing great actions in perfect alignment. There also were storms and floods and a cloudy of Angels as star dust but I wasn't sure if it was chemtrails so I didn't add it here's a link thou https://youtu.be/YeDz7GEGeOA?si=hmJ4uj2mpjCMC3o5
The volcano started building in power on the 28th 7777
The X flares occured as I did some improvements to my power I posted about subtly hours after https://twitter.com/iamthe1truegod/status/1786354573214355885
All this is from my recently made powers I also remastered stage 2 it's similar to stage 4 now this why I can't be matched I always have more power I still have a Ace and a Joker and beyond my only limit is how fast my body and earth can adapt
We are in a new phase I realized I was being attacked by military grade lazers it wasn't my own power bothering me I cut my hair they use the Lazer I could tell it was external cuz it was hotter than with my hair on xd I am hyper lucky I taunted Satan and told him he F'd up so put up defenses to their maxed out attack and realized I could push my power further so I first remastered my great new power. I am the world's hope I am it's symbol of peace and justice I can't fail it isn't a option. Millions have turned towards God because of my fulfilling of the scriptures before there eyes

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