Timothy Nathaniel Darnell presents President’s report to GRA 04/27/24

10 months ago

Georgia Republican Assembly President Nathaniel Darnell presents the GRA President’s Report during their Endorsement Convention held in Fayetteville, Georgia on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

0:00 The Georgia Republican Assembly www.GeorgiaRA.com
0:04 National Federation of Republican Assemblies www.NationalRepublicanAssemblies.com
0:16 GRA Chairman Alex Johnson - https://georgiara.com/member/alex-johnson
0:27 GRA President Nathaniel Darnell - https://georgiara.com/member/nathaniel-darnell
0:56 Over 1,000 members in GRA
1:13 Partnering organizations - John Birch Society, Georgia Right To Life, [Turning Point USA]
1:24 Acknowledge Leadership Team - Alex Johnson, Brant Frost V www.georgiara.com/member/brant-frost
1:38 Jim Fernander - Second Vice President www.georgiara.com/member/jim-fernander
1:43 Stephen Alligood - Third Vice President www.georgiara.com/member/stephen-alligood-3rd-vice-president/
1:52 Abigail Darnell - NFRA Director www.georgiara.com/member/abigail-darnell-nfra
1:57 Catherine Bernard - NFRA Director www.georgiara.com/member/cath-bernard
2:00 Joanna Hildreth - Secretary www.georgiara.com/member/secretary-joanna
2:03 Anne Lane - Assistant Secretary www.georgiara.com/member/anne-lane
2:09 Banks Wise - Treasurer (absent) www.georgiara.com/member/banks-wise-treasurer
2:29 These are folks who really care about principles, morals, convictions, and not just power.
3:01 Still getting used to being GRA President
3:17 Former President Alex Johnson has grown GRA in last ten years from six members to over 1,000 members.
3:31 Frost family helped fund raising & growing organization www.twitter.com/FirstLibertyGA
3:47 Accomplishments since October 2023
3:55 NFRA Convention in Florida
4:26 GRA State Convention - elected new officers
4:42 Honored Sen. Colton Chase Moore
4:47 Honored Rep. Charlice Hew Byrd
5:16 Goals for this year 2024
• Increase Quality Membership
• Maximize Members Who Get Elected as Delegates
• Streamline Functionality for Our Action Groups
• Increase the Number of Endorsed Candidates who Win Elections
• Train Our Membership on How to Be More Effective in Politics
5:28 GRA growing influence
6:01 Streamline functionality
6:11 Funding
Growing Our Operation!
• Paid the $2,500 annual dues to the NFRA
• Paid up the local county & regional chapters on their share of the annual memberships
• Making progress to have the payouts go out more regularly — either quarterly or even possibly monthly
7:11 Susan Alligood developing infrastructure
7:15 Getting the word out
Since the new GRA officer election, we have sent out 15 emails!
7:27 Emails - Abigail Darnell, Nathaniel Darnell, Alex Johnson, Brant Frost V, et al.
7:38 GRA mailing list of 14,000 people
8:00 Local efforts
8:06 Accountability Rule Presentation by Alex Johnson at Chattooga County GOP Meeting January 4, 2024
8:29 St. Simons - Kandiss Taylor January 19, 2024
8:50 Meet & Greet - State Committee Meeting January 20, 2024
9:05 February Trainings all over Georgia
Other Outreach …
9:53 Georgia Right To Life - State Capitol
10:16 Catoosa County GOP court battle
11:29 Pro Bono attorneys Alex Johnson, David Oles, Catherine Bernard
Local RA Endorsement Conventions
11:57 Endorsed Mike Crane for U.S. House to represent Georgia's 3rd Congressional District www.craneforcongress.com
12:07 Sen. Colton Moore re-endorsed www.coltonmoore.com
Richard Jordan and Nick Cooper organized Fulton County RA Endorsement Convention
12:37 Paul Kettering candidate State House District 22 www.ketteringforgahouse.com
13:22 Mike Crane candidate U.S. Congress www.facebook.com/mikecraneforamerica
13:30 Why do we endorse local candidates?
14:02 Colton Moore, State Senator, District 53 www.coltonmoore.com
Charlice Byrd, State Representative District 20 www.charlicebyrd.com
Greg Dolezal, State Senator, District 27 www.dolezalforsenate.com
were endorsed by GRA and received maximum contributions from GRA-PAC
15:46 What's coming up next?
• May 3-4 NFRA In-Person Board Meeting in Maine
16:02 Alex Johnson - NFRA President www.facebook.com/GAGOPCHAIR
16:05 Catherine Bernard - lady senior NFRA National Director for Georgia www.facebook.com/Catherine4GA
16:07 Abigail Darnell - NFRA Director www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013261627407
16:08 Nathaniel Darnell - NFRA Director (2021-2023), Membership Secretary www.facebook.com/GAdarnell
16:22 James B. Jordan - NFRA Treasurer www.facebook.com/jbjordancpa
• May 16-18 GA GOP State Convention in Columbus
• April 29-May 21 Georgia Republican Primary
• July 15-18 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee
• July 19-Nov. 5 General Election Season
17:42 Goals beyond General Election next year in 2025 — Grow in influence; increase GRA chapters
17:57 Congressional district map
18:12 Chan Jones, District 8 Chairman
18:36 James Cooper, District 10 Chairman
19:05 Kandiss Taylor, District 1 Chairwoman
19:12 Denise Burns, District 14 Chairwoman
19:19 David Oles, District 11 Chairman
19:30 Jim Duffie, District 4 Chairman
19:34 John Guest, District 5 Chairman
19:42 Brad Carver, District 6 Chairman donated money to Democrat candidates while a Republican officer

11th District Committee Chairman Brad Carver of the Georgia Republican Party called meeting 07/11/16

19:53 John Nance, District 7 Chairman
19:55 Richard Jordan, North Metro Republican Assembly President
20:11 Katie Frost, District 3 Chairwoman
20:23 If we build more chapters, I think we have a good shot of winning more of these Congressional districts.
20:47 Mobilize their patriot groups in their local communities next year so we can get better folks elected on the Georgia GOP Executive Committee.
21:16 Alex Johnson


Watch complete, unfiltered, GRA Endorsement Convention here:

#Nydeo by Nydia Tisdale ~ Please $upport www.PayPal.me/NydiaTisdale
www.twitter.com/NydiaTisdale – www.facebook.com/AboutForsyth
#Nydeo Journalist, member The Atlanta Press Club

We welcome you to join us for the event! www.facebook.com/events/842628111015507
Anyone can attend https://secure.anedot.com/georgia-republican-assembly-1db0455f-ae13-4bd3-81f0-e16e1d49d70f/2024graendorse

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