Ukrainian's For Trump

2 months ago

Everybody Be Like, "GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR DIE !"
This Is Exactly How The Reptiles Feel About Humans. Entitlement,
One Of The Things The Lizard I Encountered Was "You Owe It To Us !"
Whether Zionist or Nazi (one in the same too me) They All Think Other People Have To Service Them In Some Fashion or Another.
i Have News For Others. Nobody Has To Do Shit For You ! Nobody. Period. Be Grateful Anyone Does Anything At All For You When They Do. This Why Free "Healthcare" Is NOT A Right. It's A Service. Because Nobody Is Required To Do Shit For You. You Earn It, Trade for It, Or Pay For It. Welcome To Life.
As For Trump, Not my Problem. None of His Problems Are my Problem.

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