Elizabeth Nickson: Eco Fascists Default To Tyranny How Weaponised 'Greens' Are Privatising The Earth

10 months ago

Forty million Americans have been driven from their lands and rural culture is being systematically crushed, even as wildlife, forests, and rangelands are dying. Journalist Elizabeth Nickson’s investigations into these events have revealed a shocking rather than safeguarding our environment, radical conservationists are actually destroying our natural heritage. In Eco-Fascists , Nickson documents the destructive impact of the environmental movement in North America and beyond, detailing the extreme damage environmental radicals in local and national government agencies are doing to the land, the ecosystems, and the people. Readers of Alston Chase’s Playing God in Yellowstone and In a Dark Wood , and anyone who is deeply concerned about global warming and the environment must read Elizabeth Nickson’s Eco-Fascists .

This book exposes and provides details of the efforts of radical environmentalists to drive residents out of rural areas into cities where they can be more easily controlled. There are many nonsensical and onerous rules and regulations concerning the use of one's private property. The Wildlands Project seeks to provide a corridor for wild animals by removing people and "restoring wilderness". This is an important book to read. Chances are unless you already live in a city, worship Gaia, and feel wild animals should have more rights than people this book will both scare you and make you angry. It is well written and a quick read.


The British War Office through the RIIA, commissioned Lords Northcliffe and Rothmere (the Daily Mail) and Arnold Toynbee, head of RIIA, and an MI6 operative, to do a study on manipulating war information. The project was managed out of Wellington House. Americans Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman were roped in and they held brainstorming sessions to mobilize the working class, who were expected to die in record numbers. Using the Daily Mail, they tested and tested techniques and decided that 13% of us were capable of critical thinking. The rest they could play like meat puppets. Records of the time show that by 1917, 94% of the working class did not have the faintest idea what they were dying for other than the Germans were horrible and bent on destroying King and country and had to be wiped out. (John Coleman from War Office Records). Then they did it to Americans. They were dying to increase the wealth of these people.

It was so effective, mind control was born.

At present, mind control is being used to take land and resources from us in the Americas, as they have in the developing world since the 17th C., and use us as another resource, on admittedly better living standards than cobalt miners. We will have lost all self-determination, as our lands and property will have been alienated. Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 are a mapping of the world’s resources and a subsequent setting aside of 30%, then 50% and then 75%. 90%, of land, water, minerals, wood, farm and rangelands. All of that will be owned through a series of international treaties negotiated through the UN, with national and regional governments, to be exploited by these people without adherence to national laws.Biodiversitymapping.org is the propaganda, this map below is the reality. Turquoise zones are where humans will be permitted to live.


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