Ep 2041: From Pews to Politics

5 months ago

iWork4Him welcomes back Danita Bye to tackle how Christians can make a positive impact in their communities, potentially even through serving in government/political positions. She emphasizes the importance of civic engagement and highlights the archetypes of Christians in politics:

1. Biblically grounded statesman – truthful, gracious, wise, and bold

2. Biblically grounded but sometimes shrill, losing influence

3. Someone who calls himself a Christian but is easily swayed

4. Loud, brash, and unwilling to listen or learn, undermining his testimony

5. One who thinks church is only for Sundays and shouldn’t interfere with the rest of the week

6. A Christian who believes that the government has replaced the Church and therefore should be serving the poor

Danita notes that she strives to be like the first type of Christian civic servant listed. She believes that civic engagement is a great opportunity for believers to be stewards that God has called us to be, like in Jeremiah 29:7, where Israel was instructed to help Babylon prosper. As Danita’s dad always commented: “the rules are made by those who show up.” So how can you show up?

Reach out to your local boards and commissions to see how you can help, recognize what interests you and ask God for affirmation, and seek out prayer intercessors to provide clarity. You can also check out several resources highly recommended by Danita:

- Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues by Jim Garlow (book) (https://a.co/d/bFXdtTO)

- ReVersed: From Culturally Woke to Biblically Awake by Jim Garlow (upcoming book) (https://wellversedworld.org/reversed-book)

- Biblical Citizenship in Modern America by Rick Green (workbook) (https://courses.patriotacademy.com/courses/biblical-citizenship-workbook/)

- Why Christians Should Seek to Influence Government for Good by Wayne Grudem (paper) (https://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF13D76.pdf)

- The Truth Project by Del Tackett (small group curriculum) (https://www.focusonthefamily.com/faith/the-truth-project/)

- Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 (conservative movement) (https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025)

- Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas (https://www.amazon.com/Letter-American-Church-Eric-Metaxas/dp/1684513898)

Keep in mind the words of Plato: “If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.”

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Guests: Danita Bye

Ministry/ Workplace: http://www.danitabye.com

iWork4Him Audio Podcast - https://www.iwork4him.com/podcast/2024/2041

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