MWAP Lunch 02MAY2024-Jimmy Dodd

5 months ago

Jimmy Dodd, is the Founder and CEO of PastorServe, a ministry committed to serving pastors & ministry leaders across the US and around the world.

Jimmy served for 20 years as a pastor. While Jimmy has a deep love for the local church, PastorServe provides the perfect vehicle to follow God’s extended call to serve the broader church at large.

PastorServe has a staff around the US and Haiti committed to caring for pastors through coaching, consulting and crisis care. In this endeavor, Jimmy has had the privilege of making more than 125 trips to train leaders in Third World countries.

A well-known and respected speaker, Jimmy is also the author of “Survive or Thrive,” “Pastors are People Too” and he co-authored his latest book, “What Great Ministry Leaders Get Right”. He is the cofounder and on the board of UniteKC, a ministry committed to racial reconciliation in Kansas City, as well as the Chairman of the Board of Cross International, a ministry committed to serving the poorest of the poor around the world.

He is a graduate of Wheaton College and Gordon-Conwell Seminary. Jimmy and his wife Sally have five children, one daughter-in-law and two grand-children. Two of their daughters were adopted from China. They live in Overland Park, KS.

Jimmy is driven by Acts 20:24 “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

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