Exposing Daisy Jing Chen

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0:00 : Preview
7:00 : Intro!
8:00 : Show begins - Today’s topic
10:00 : Who is Daisy?
12:00 : Is Daisy an escort?
16:00 : Is that really her in the video?
19:00 : Daisy was fired from her job for criminal activity
21:00 : We translated the documents to prove that she’s lying🔥
28:00 : This is why she was fired from her job
30:00 : IG Story - She’s vaping & drinking while being ‘pregnant’🤦‍♂️
33:00 : Recap - Our lawyer predicted that she would NOT keep the baby
35:30 : Shoutout to Dr.B! - Did she get an ab0rt!on?
39:00 : Debunking Duke the Dummy - Does Fresh have STD’s?
42:00 : Daisy committed a crime by recording Fresh without consent
45:00 : Why did she do this?
47:30 : New show coming soon - For The Love Of Fresh💀
48:00 : Show ends! / Outro!

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