Why Jesus will leave the lukewarm left behind

10 months ago

Jesus hates lukewarm Christians they make Him angry and He will leave them left behind to decide between Jesus or the antichrist, the tribulation period will be hell on earth and will be the worst years ever, the world is all ready for the tribulation period, the world is getting worse, churches are so dead now they are like a graveyard and give God the leftovers, games are up, if you are not ready you will be left behind and Jesus will not come back and get you at all, you have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist and those who choose Jesus will be killed by the antichrist and his followers, then I saw the multiple come into the new Jerusalem and were given white robes for they did not worship the antichrist or taken his mark of the beast and were killed for their faith, the antichrist will kill all those who do not worship him, then I saw a beast rise from the sea with 10 horns on his head and he gave power to the image to kill all those who did not worship the beast, then he forced all Rich, generals, mighty, kings, slaves and free to get a mark or the vaccine and you may not buy or sell without the mark and those who refused to get it were killed, let wisdom know the number of the mark for it is 666

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