Remdesivir caused kidney failure which caused pulmonary edema, misdiagnosed as COVID pneumonia

9 months ago

Hospitalized ‘COVID’ patients often had fluid in their lungs, which was visible on a Chest X-Ray (CXR). Doctors diagnosed this as COVID pneumonia, but much of it was actually caused by administering the toxin remdesivir to patients.

This product causes multi-organ failure, including kidney failure, which in turn leads to fluid build-up in the body. This fluid passes through the diaphragm and into the lungs.

The fluid in the lungs was there not COVID pneumonia, but remdesivir-induced pulmonary edema.

It was well-known that remdesivir causes kidney damage, but the propaganda said that COVID can also do this, so brainwashed doctors did not make the link.

Patients receiving remdesivir all ended up with kidney failure within a few days. Some patients went home with kidney dialycis, some needed a kidney transplant.

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