Did You Hear the Democrats want to take away President Trumps Secret Service Protection

2 months ago

Did you hear about this? Here we talk about how Hillary Clinton says she knows what President Trump really wants to do. She says he want to Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, and run off reporters. Well I seem to remember that is just what old Joey O'biden has been doing. the Democrats has imprisoned their opposition. They have Killed a peaceful protester Ashli Babbitt. But the reporters don't run away from democrats because they ARE the right propaganda arm of the democratic party now. But only a day after Hillary said these things the other shoe dropped. Now the democrats want to remove the secret service protection from a past President, President Trump. Are they trying to make it easier to kill President Trump? They are so worried that President Trump is unbeatable in November and he is! But they have no one to blame but themselves for this. They have taken off their masks and now show their evil intent to anyone that thinks for themselves and opposes them in any way, just shut up and go along is what they demand! Well sparky, that just ain't gonna happen. Too many have seen the democratic party for what they truly are and will never vote for them again. THIS is why they are trying to flood the border with people from outside our country because no thinking American will vote for them. But we all need to contact our congressman or congresswoman to let them know that if they allow the democrats to take away President Trump's protection away, then all former Presidents MUST have theirs removed as well!

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