CCP's New Carrier Fujian's Sea Trial on May 1 Triggers High Alert in Taiwan

4 months ago

05/01/2024 WION: Taiwan is on high alert as China showcased its military prowess with the maiden sea trials of its latest aircraft carrier the Fujian. Equipped with advanced electromagnetic catapults, it marks a formidable threat to Taiwan's security. Moreover, China is amassing a staggering 170 billion dollar gold reserve, leading experts to speculate that Beijing is fortifying its economic defenses against potential Western sanctions in the event of a Taiwan conflict.
05/01/2024 世界一体新闻台:随着中共最新航母福建舰的首次海试展示其军事实力,台湾保持高度戒备。福建舰配备了先进的电磁弹射器,严重威胁着台湾的安全。除此之外,中共还积累了高达1700亿美元的惊人黄金储备,这使得专家们推测,中共正在加强经济防御,以应对与台湾发生冲突时西方可能实施的制裁。

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