S02E02 : Tony Hawk Pro Alogger

8 months ago

🔥 Otterwaffen Jack is joined by HouseJeep and the Real Typhus
With Special Guest, the former Grand Dragon-Wizard of the now defunct National Justice Party LLC.,

>What drove Greg Conte insane
>How the NJP tried and failed to cover up the McKevitts sex scandal
>How Striker descended into alcohol fueled madness
>What Charles Bausman really did for the NJP, and the possibility of him being a Russian government asset
>What happened with the NJP money
>The hilarious nature of “NJP HR”
>Jazzhands falling under the influence of glowies
>Speculation about whether Handsome Truth and Rob Rundo are government informants
>Why Alex McNabb still even has a podcasting job
>And much more

🔗 https://t.me/RealTyphus
🪓 https://t.me/NationalJusticeParty
💣 https://t.me/ForFreeChads
🧨 https://t.me/tasown
🔗 tasown@proton.me

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