BREAKING: Turbo Cancers Lead to Mammogram Age being dropped to 40

8 months ago

Operation World Without Cancer President John Richardson Joins Get Free with Kristi Leigh


Last week we read about a NIH study that found mRNA Covid "Vaccines" cause the development of Cancer.

And today we are waking to the breaking news that so many young women are being diagnosed with cancer that a National Panel is saying Mammograms should start at 40, not 50, to address rising breast cancer rates at younger ages.

This would be the very definition of "Turbo Cancers." However, if you search the term 'Turbo Cancer' on any mainstream search engine you are greeted with this:

Turbo cancer is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory[1] alleging that people vaccinated against COVID-19, especially with mRNA vaccines, are suffering from a high incidence of fast-developing cancers. Although the idea has been spread by a number of vaccine opponents, including doctors,[2] turbo cancer is not supported by cancer research, and there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination causes or worsens cancer.[3][4][5] - Wiki

Are we once again watching Big Pharma create the problem, and then sell the solution?
Are we once again seeing Big Pharma and Big Tech collude to suppress the truth?

John Richardson, President of Operation World Without Cancer & The Richardson Nutritional Center is available to give a historical perspective on these developments.

Guest Available: John Richardson - President of Operation World Without Cancer & RNC
Media Contact: CJ Vizier - 858-472-4285 -

Richardson has been following the Big Pharma Phenomenon since his Father, Dr. John Richardson's lives were turned upside down when in 1972 his medical offices were raided by the California Food and Drug Administration and the Albany Police Department. They burst into the office of this nationally respected physician waving guns and terrifying his nurses. They were also accompanied by a camera crew from a local television station, with the plan of destroying the doctor’s reputation by making it appear that he was a dangerous criminal preying upon the pain and terror of cancer victims.

The next 15 years of Dr. John Richardson’s life were dominated by a combination of lawfare and bureaucratic red tape. “The trouble is,” he observed, “that there are so many government agencies and bureaus that if they really want to get you, they simply pass you around from agency to agency.” That way the bureaucracy technically avoids double jeopardy while using the law to crush resistance.

Dr. Richardson was dedicated to Medical Freedom of Choice and the use of Laetrile for the thousands of cancer patients he was successfully treating. The government’s overreach in prohibiting people with Stage 4 cancer from using Laetrile could not stand. Giving his patients the option, the choice to use Laetrile to improve their health was a hill he was willing to die on.

Dr. John Richardson's medical files were confiscated; he and his nurses were jailed; he was lied about and endlessly sued; he spent years fighting for his patients and his reputation in dreary, biased courtrooms; he lost his treasured medical license; and eventually, he lost his life because of his fight for his patients ’Medical Freedom of Choice.

And to this day, if you use mainstream search engines or media, they will tell you that Laetrile is dangerous.

The real danger is, Big Pharma cannot make money off you if a natural product is found that stops tumors from growing.

John Richardson is available for interviews.

In Freedom,
CJ Vizier

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