Drink PupLite! Grinder's Babyfood Soda! Whee!!! Lia Mulvaney is so 2023

1 month ago

Ever notice that? Dylan Mulvaney and Lia Thomas ... that's almost DYLAN THOMAS!!!!

"When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes." "Somebody's boring me. I thing it's me."

I'm gonna use this vid to get a job with Bud Lite or Target or Disney, yeah, Disney. Tee hee!

Poopee P O'Happeenappee says:
"Buy Grinder's Babyfood Soda! Yummy!"


Drag tranz Dylan Chas Elliot. No Lia or Caitlyn pics. I missed a bet, there. And kidz luv clownz and phairies!! Whee!

Alas, I am MOST incorrect. Guilty of both THOUGHT- and SPEAK-crime. I should be punished. Send my address to Hamas.

Jack H

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