Programmability of CBDC Means A Social Credit Score System Controlled by Bankers

1 month ago

Bo Li has been the Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund since 2021. Prior to that he was Deputy Governor at the People's Bank of China. So the Chinese Communist Party have great influence over the International Monetary Fund, who are a specialised agency of the United Nations. Read more about Bo Li here:

In this clip Bo Li describes plans to make Central Bank Digital Currency programmable. Catherine Austin-Fitts from the Solari Report (, whose aim is to protect and promote financial freedom, responds with comments on why CBDCs must be rejected if we wish to retain our freedoms. This includes rejecting the plans being put in place to require digital identification, which will link up to your CBDC account and ensure that you are complying with all requirements before you can access your currency (which Austin-Fitts says is less like "money" and more like a "coupon" with limitations and expiry date attached).

Being as free from government "benefits" as possible is the first action, as Universal Basic Income is being touted as the kindness governments wish to provide to us all. In fact, it will be akin to slavery as was seen during the vaccine mandates when anyone with debt and/or reliant on the current, corrupt, financial system, was forced into complying whether or not they wanted to, or faced impoverishment leading to homelessness, bankruptcy and in the case of the Canadian truckers, locked bank accounts.

Beyond this clip, Austin-Fitts goes on to describe the explosion in the use of cash now, as more and more people become aware. Have you noticed this? Most recently I find servers asking if I'm paying by cash or card, compared to a year ago when it was automatically assumed I would be paying by card.


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