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Cast Out The Shadow

9 months ago

Dicebat Exi spiritus immunde
Ab homine et interrogabat eum
Quod tibi nomen est
Et dicit ei Legio ego sum
Quia multi sumus
Rogabat Jesum vehementer
Ne se expelleret extra regionem
Grex porcorum magnus
Juxta montes pascebat
Rogabant eum omnes daemone
Mitte nos porcos ut eos introeamus
Et concessit eis statim Jeesus
Et exeuntes spiritus immundi
Introierunt porcos et impetu
Abiit grex per praeceps in mare
Et submersi sunt

They dwell in the dark
(Even under your skin)
Where they can go unseen
They make us believe
They aren't real
They don't care who you are
All they want
Is for you to be damned
With them

They're so lonely
(So let them be alone)

Send all demons to hell
(Jesus, please send them away)
And fill yourself with
The Holy Spirit
(Holy Spirit)
And you shall never be
Their target
(Jesus, please send them away)

Misery loves company
Why do you think the devil
Is so desperate to keep you?
He wants you chained
With him forever
(and ever)
You can escape his grasp
There is joy in breaking away
And forsaking temptation
(Forsake temptation)

No one is too far gone
Jesus paid the price
(For every single one of us)
We've all walked the path of darkness
But the blood of Christ is thicker
Than the blood of demons
Baptize yourself in righteousness
And seek evil no more
(No more)

Send all demons to hell
(Jesus, please send them away)
And fill yourself with
The Holy Spirit
(Holy Spirit)
And you shall never be
Their target
(Jesus, please send them away)

Jesus, please send them away
(Send them away)

Cleanse us of unrighteousness
And send the demons away
(Send the demons away)

#Jesussaves #Christianmusic #industrial #industrialJesusmusic #industrialmusic #Christianity #Christian #nottodaysatan #GodisGood #Jesus


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