Jesus and peaceful protesting

1 month ago

Jesus and Peaceful protesting….
Jesus came to save the sins of the world. Yet he also protested against places such as his father’s temple, before his death in the Temple.

He overturned the money table of the money changers. He taught as he preached and many times these preaching was against the status quo. This was the main reasons the Jewish priests wanted him delt with even dead.

Today is not much different. Today’s problems are not much different than the days of Christ. There were laws then and a group of people who have decided not to follow the law. I AM NOT SAYING THAT!

I believe we follow the law. We let our representatives know what we think. You need not be a Christian to do this. We have and can continue to protest. We can start a letter or email campaign. But understand, we are a VOTING bloc. History shows Ronald Regan was elected because the evangelical voters voted as a group to elect him as President. Areas of the country, which were predominantly held by the Democrats flipped to the Republicans. These areas are still in the rights camp today.

Never give up! Yell at your TV’s and do something about it. But do it within the law.

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