[Liyue World Quest] Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade Part 3

10 months ago

[Liyue World Quest] Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade Part 3 - An Ancient Sacrifice of Sacred Brocade

Part of [Liyue World Quest] Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade https://youtu.be/tO9iOtn4_dk

[Liyue World Quest] Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade Part 2 - Floating Jade, Treasure of Chenyu https://youtu.be/3AgqP126-cs

00:07 Go to Fogbank River
03:44 Follow Little Mao
- Take care of the nearby miasma
05:25 Enter the cavern
- Check the cavern
06:49 Follow the golden carp
- Talk to Fujin

[Guide] Prepare for the Rainjade Rite (0/2) https://youtu.be/KZ8xc8-b3n0
- 09:10 1/2
- 10:42 2/2

[Highlights] First Rainjade Rite attempt https://youtu.be/06j2Y8hP-YY
- Talk to Fujin
14:49 Go to Adeptus's Repose
- Take care of the nearby miasma
17:03 [Guide] Check the clues nearby https://youtu.be/vck9hisz35U
19:20 Examine the mural
19:42 Go to Mt. Xuanlian
20:38 Explore Mt. Xuanlian
NOTE: You will be able to collect the first Spirit Orb along the way. Unfortunately the clip was deleted on my edit

Collect the Spirit Orb (0/3) https://youtu.be/SW39l6nyGXw
1/3 Collected along the way prior triggering the step. Unfortunately the clip was deleted
23:07 2/3
26:36 3/3

28:43 Use your adeptal energy to activate the Spirit Orb (0/3)
- Go to the mountaintop pavilion
32:49 Go back to look for Fujin
- Talk to Fujin
35:37 Climb the sacred mountain
36:07 Accompany Fujin
- Take care of the nearby miasma
37:59 Accompany Fujin
39:40 Defeat the Xuanwen Beast
- Accompany Fujin
41:23 Take care of the nearby miasma
44:00 Enter Chiwang Terrace
NOTE: The player will be teleported into the Quest Domain Chiwang Terrace
- Calm Lingyuan down
[CUTSCENE] An Ancient Sacrifice of Sacred Brocade https://youtu.be/CIvEFaUkDWo
- Talk to Fujin
52:44 Escort Little Mao back to Qiaoying Village

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