2 Stories + Spetznas Kill WEF Member in Ukraine + Also General Smith to Meet Col. Kurtz on Friday.

5 months ago

1. Per the report, WEF “war criminal” Kiva Allgood, the foundation’s head of Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains Office, was shot once in the head Friday afternoon while standing outside the Ministry of Finance building in Kyiv. The single round, fired from a 6S8-1 12.7mm sniper rifle, entered her left eyeball and cratered her skull; the impact flung her body backward.
2. General Eric M. Smith, a key figure in the fight against the Deep State, has agreed to a momentous meeting with the enigmatic Colonel Kurtz, the leader of the patriotic splinter cell known as the “Red Hats,” a source in the general’s office revealed to Real Raw News.

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