EARLY LABOUR AFFIRMATIONS (positive hypnobirthing affirmations for a calm early labour)

10 months ago

Welcome to this early labour affirmations audio. This track comprises a series of positive hypnobirthing affirmations to help you have a calm early labour. Start listening to this audio when your contractions begin. It is best if you can lie down somewhere warm and comfortable where you can relax your body and conserve your energy. However, it is also ok if you want to move about a bit. Ideally, listen to the early labour affirmations with headphones or ear buds for a better audio experience. The series of labour affirmations will be repeated 5 times to help increase feelings of relaxation and confidence in your mind. A positive mindset will help you navigate through labour smoothly and comfortably. When your contractions get stronger, longer and closer together (3-4 minutes apart) this will mean you are in active labour. You can then listen to the active labour affirmations track here:


🌟To purchase a 3 - track labour affirmations audio bundle for early labour, active labour and the birthing/pushing stage - please click here 🌟:


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