Paul Murphy 'Maybe Tomorrow... Maybe Next Year' . Slow version of the 3-person love triangle song

2 months ago

This is Take 2 of 2 late-night revisits to this old fave. I wanted to cut a slow version, but it didn't come out that way - kept getting swept up in the lyrics. When you're white-water rafting down the rapids of your memory, you lose your grip on the rudder.
I recently found a photocopy of the original handwritten lyrics, which showed me that I wrote this at 01.09a.m. , 26 July 1997, in bed, all the words coming to me in one go as you hear it here. That must have been a fun night emotionally, huh?

Light and peace,

'Maybe Tomorrow... Maybe Next Year' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 1997, 2024

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