Is the Perfect Storm about to Hit USA? 05/02/2024

2 months ago

The Perfect Storm is a number of events following each other to create absolute chaos. Today, Pastor Stan brings us Prophecies given to God’s Prophets warning us about the Storm that is about to hit. We can easily assume this storm will include the dollar falling, inflation hitting, a New Madrid Earthquake, Food Shortages and much more.

00:00 - Intro
02:08 - Examine Your Heart
05:47 - The Three Scrolls
08:43 - Seven Moons
10:34 - Season of Sorrow
14:35 - Financial Storm Earthquake
16:10 - Dollar Falls
19:37 - Solemn September Assembly
20:51 - Earthquake and Suitcase Nukes
24:46 - Cruise Ship Dream

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