International Public Notice: About Ukraine Billings and the Federal Republic By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4780 Video - International Public Notice: About Ukraine Billings and the Federal Republic - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Please note: The American Government and The United States Government are two separate things.

The American Government stands under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence; so do the sovereign states of the Union, the States of our Federation, and so did the American States-of-States that belonged to the Confederation.

Got that?

The American Government consists of the Union and its States (often appearing as "states"), the Federation and its States, and the Confederation and its American States of States--- if the Confederation were still standing, which it is not.

So we are left with only the Union States (shown as "states" in many publications) and the Federation States in operation today. The Union States hold the soil jurisdiction of our nation through all their member counties. The Federation States hold the international land jurisdiction belonging to each physically described State.

If the Confederation was still functioning, its States of States, such as The State of New Hampshire and The State of Georgia, would be in evidence, but they are not.

Instead, we see British Territorial organizations doing business as the State of New Hampshire and the State of Georgia, usurping against our lawful American States and Government.

The Union, the Federation, and the Confederation are and have always been the American Government. They all stand or stood, in the case of the Confederation, under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.

The only people serving the American Government as Citizens are the State Citizens of the member States of the Union. State Citizens renounce loyalty to any other government but their own State Government and serve no others.

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