Sculptures Discovered at Khmer Temple in Cambodia

4 months ago

During a routine excavation led by the APSARA National Authority (ANA), archaeologists unearthed an unexpected treasure trove of over 100 sandstone sculptures.

The excavation, carried out by the ANA’s Department of Preservation and Archaeology at the Ta Prohm Temple’s third enclosure, aimed to clear soil buildup from the temple’s south side.

Ta Prohm, renowned for its picturesque blend of towering trees and ancient stones, is famously known as the “Tomb Raider Temple” due to its appearance in the eponymous 2001 film starring Angelina Jolie.

As soil removal progressed, the team stumbled upon intricate carvings buried just centimeters beneath the surface.

Recognizing the significance of their discovery, the team sought permission to expand the excavation, leading to the unearthing of rare sculptures, including seated and standing Buddhas and Nagas.

Though dating is not confirmed, experts speculate that the sculptures may belong to the late 12th or early 13th century Bayon style, the Phnom Penh Post has reported.

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