New Moon in Taurus 7th May 2024. Auspicious Seeding And Activation of Jupiter Uranus All Signs

2 months ago

#taurusnewmoon #jupiteruranusconjunction #taurus #RachelMayoAstrologer

May 7 at 10:22 p.m. EST it’s happening at 18 degrees of Taurus
Finally we have an auspicious lunation at 18 degrees of Taurus! Venus is dominant in her sign, ruler of the south node and she’s ruling the great conjunction. The two most benefic planets Venus and Jupiter are both in Taurus at the time of the new moon.
The Taurus new moon will activate the Jupiter Uranus conjunction on 8th May a day after the auspicious Taurus new moon

Another reason why the Taurus new moon is so important is because it’s activating the previous Leo Venus star point at 20 degrees Leo so if you have anything at that degree you will have a continuation of whatever happened at that Venus cazimi. Keep in mind that the Jupiter Uranus conjunction also activated that Venus star point by a square aspect so we are going to be pushed into taking action because of a challenge.

This is an amazing new moon to initiate plans and plant seeds and make wishes. This lunation brings pleasant surprises! May is the month of several major new beginnings.

If you didn’t have an event happen as a result of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, wait no more because the Taurus new moon is about to deliver especially if you have exact conjunctions to this beautiful Taurus new moon.
We are going to start seeing movement and results in our Taurus house because this lunation will activate the Jupiter Uranus conjunction!

Each time a planet conjuncts this degree it will reactivate the great conjunction so we should expect results or an event. Especially when Venus and Mars later trigger this point as they are the rulers of the karmic nodes.

Taurus is the natural 2nd house of the zodiac this is a financial house. This is the house where we earn our money unlike the 8th house of unearned money other peoples money.
Taurus loves the luxuries of life so that they can relax in comfort so they tend to work very hard in life so that they can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle.
Taurus is the most fixed of the fixed signs because it is an earth sign so it tends to stay fixed even in bad situations like toxic relationships.
We have all been feeling stuck in the Taurus area of our chart the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is shaking this house up so that we can have massive changes and a breakthrough. This new moon wants us to initiations it’s activating the great conjunction saying start something new step out of your comfort zone step into the unknown.

Mars is in his own sign of Aries he is enthusiastic and ready to take action
Mercury is also in Aries now direct ready to communicate with confidence
What are you waiting for? Get out of that lazy chair, if you have been hiding under the covers since the eclipse, wake up use this positive new moon to plant seeds because what you start now has a very good chance of staying in our life for a very long time because you will be seeding it, building the foundation in fixed earth.

Let’s keep in mind that Venus is combust because she is too close to the sun she will become visible June 4th so she is not as powerful but that doesn’t mean that she won’t deliver results it just means that some of the results will become visible next month. She is being reborn at 14 29 degrees of Gemini.
Another way to look at this is image that you have found really fertile land you have to dig into the land water it perhaps add some fertilizer and then sow your seeds. It will take some time before you see a bud from your seed and because it’s planted in earth it will stay strong and sprout into a beautiful crop or garden. The message here is plant you seeds but be patient, Taurus is a slow moving sign but it gets things done.

This stellium in Taurus hasn’t happened in our lifetime at least for most of us and it won’t happen again so this is really rare and special energy.

Something really special could happen for single people as a result of the upcoming Venus Jupiter conjunction in Vedic astrology, Venus in a man’s chart signifies the wife and Jupiter as the ideal husband and not bad boy Mars. This is a conjunction that happens once every 12 years in the sign of Taurus so if you’re single and looking for a long term relationship you should put yourself out there because your ideal mate is looking for you. This applies to you if Venus and Jupiter rules one of the love or relationship houses.

Everyone will have something special happen in their Taurus house so if you want to know how this will affect you personally, book a reading with me.

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