Overview of Subsea Riser System Engineering Online Course

9 months ago

A riser system is essentially conductor pipes connecting floaters on the surface and the wellheads at the seabed. There are essentially two kinds of risers, namely rigid risers and flexible risers. A hybrid riser is the combination of these two.

The riser system must be arranged so that the external loading is kept within acceptable limits with regard to: Stress and sectional forces, VIV and suppression, Wave fatigue, and Interference.

The riser should be as short as possible in order to reduce material and installation costs, but it must have sufficient flexibility to allow for large excursions of the floater. The riser system of a production unit is to perform multiple functions, both in the drilling and production phases.

The functions performed by a riser system include: Production/injection, export/import or circulate fluids, drilling, and completion & workover.

A typical riser system is mainly composed of: Conduit (riser body), interface with floater and wellhead, components, and auxiliary

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