Hospital Whistleblower: I Saw Patients Die “So Horrifically, So Quickly” After the COVID Shots

2 months ago

Hospital Whistleblower: I Saw Patients Die “So Horrifically, So Quickly” After the COVID Shots

Hospital Whistleblower: I Saw Patients Die “So Horrifically, So Quickly” After the COVID Shots
Zoe, a medical coder, recently presented a disturbing testimony.

Not only were patients having seizures like she’d never seen before, Zoe said, “I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections… It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they… kinda had to be put down. They called it encephalitis, or encephalopathy, and then later on, even the coding organization… [called it] COVID-19-associated encephalitis,” Zoe continued.

She says the doctors treating these patients “were baffled” and that “they weren’t connecting the dots.”

“Knowing what the potential symptoms of a vaccine injury could be, we 100% had all the things I just described,” the medical coder added.

However, “doctors would never tell [patients] that. They would just say, ‘It’s a stroke. It’s a heart attack. It’s a blood clot.’ And then they would never connect the two.”

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