Source Code, Fraud Algorithms, and Injecting Votes: Dr. Daugherity - "Let My People Go" Interview

9 months ago

During this full interview from "Let My People Go," Dr. Walter Daugherity, a Harvard Ph.D expert in Computer Science, and Professor Emeritus at Texas A & M University, breaks down how no state to date has independently examined the source code for the machines used in our elections, and how the Libertarian party in North Carolina was thwarted in their attempts to analyze the code that no one seems to be able to get their hands on.

Daugherity details his analysis of cast vote records, and reveals how the underlying software design for Dominion, ES&S, and many other election vendors is the same. What is evidenced is a PID (proportional integral derivative) controlled algorithm that selects candidates in predictive fashion. One of the more shocking revelations in the interview was Daugherity's finding that 35,000 votes were added to vote totals of democrat candidates and digitally spread out to avoid detection in Arizona. Through a democrat whistleblower, Daugherity was able to identify computer driven vote spikes at precise locations in the electronic records.

The interview explains how the Center for Internet Security (CIS), a private entity, funded by radical leftist group Democracy Fund and directed by the globalist Atlantic Council, controls the Albert Sensor network. The network monitors all election data realtime, and CIS is able to share all private information of government workers to the shadow NGO's that work behind the scenes. Daugherity explains how the Albert Sensors exist behind county firewalls, and provides a two-way interface where the DHS and other bad actors can do unspeakable damage. For example, electronic pollbooks that are supposedly protected behind a firewall, were remotely accessed in Dallas county, and hundreds of fraudulent voters were checked in that weren't physically present.

Daugherity concludes the interview detailing how Dominion tabulators in Maricopa were configured to not detect counterfeit ballots submitted in the 2020 election, most of which were printed on illegal paper sourced from Staples and Office Max.

Watch the full feature film here:

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