9 months ago


Thank you for helping restore the Constitutional-Republic one county at a time.

In this video we will define and explain the importance of, Redemption.

Understanding and carrying out redemption is a primary key to restoring the Constitutional-Republic. Redemption makes you the superior title-holder of your life. and everything in it

Before we get started please note that the references to Biblical-scripture in this and other videos is to show the reader that the Biblical-connection to the operation of commercial-law from the past to today is constant and operates in all that you do.

What is the definition of Redemption?

There are a few definitions of redemption.

Redemption can be defined as, "Deliverance from the power of alien-dominion and the enjoyment of the resulting freedom; restoration to one who possesses a more fundamental right or interest."

The best Old-Testament redemption-example was the deliverance of Israel's people, today's American's, from bondage, from the dominion of Egypt's alien-power or today's Washington, DC.

We can look at the past and see the parallel to the present. What we want to accomplish today is the Redemption of all people of the United States from the US of A Corporation in Washington D.C. that is posing as a GovernMent-ControlMind and has militarily-invaded the United States via Northern Command whose J-2 is actively violating the 1974 Privacy Act by spying on U.S. Citizens.

The Expository Dictionary of the New-Testament defines redemption as, the natural sense of delivering of setting Israel free from the Roman-yoke. (See; Luke 24:21)

Redemption's commercial-definition may be stated as: "The recognition and action taken to redeem the debtor and all the property pledged, to take control, to file notice, to lien all the property, to restore right(s), title(s), and interest(s) in property to sever the commercial-bondage and acquire the standing and capacity to discharge all fines, fees, taxes, debts and judgments of the debtor and all commercial matters due to the US Bankruptcy a.k.a. "National-Emergency imposed upon the people without full disclosure and consent."

With redemption you become a Creditor and are no longer a Debtor.

As you can see, if we all redeem ourselves, our property, our land, and our titles then we can free ourselves from the tyrannical slavery that is being imposed upon us from a corporation in Washington the District of Columbia that is using police and military-force to usurp violent-control over us - akin to living in Nazi-Germany.

The Police and Military are employing a racketeering operation against us and the participants are the fake-courts, judges, policy enforcers, clerks of court, jails, tow truck companies, bail bondsmen and so called justice-centers that administer your trust without your fully-informed consent.

It's time to deliver ourselves from evil by way of redemption. In doing so we can restore the Constitutional-Republic one County at a time.

Thank you.

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