The Revealing Nature Of Power - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment with Blair Black

5 months ago

Some people think power corrupts…Power does not corrupt…power only reveals. All power does is allow people to be who they really are without any fear of reprisal, accountability or violence.

Hi, Im Blair Black, Im a psychopath and this is a psychopaths guide to enlightenment and today Id like to talk about power, more specifically the revealing nature of power.

Power does not corrupt you or make you virtuous, power only reveals your corruption or your virtue and power has exposed the corrupt hearts of many of our fellow men. Now if you’re looking for someone to give power of attorney to or find an executor of your estate and you’re wondering who in my own life might fuck me over should they get a little taste of power, well look no further than the weakest ones you know…because it’s not power that corrupts, it’s weakness that corrupts, and the weak, despite their often innocent and pitiful facades lust for power as a way to compensate for their mediocrity and failure.

The weak feel opressed, overpowered, threatened and cosmically wronged by life and they seek retribution for it, which is why nature has not ordained them for power. The weak are not meant to have power. There is no mandate in nature for leadership by the weak. There’s no species where the weakest leads. Power is meant to be taken, not given and because of that the weak are unable to obtain power thru natural means. So, if you don't hand power to them they’ll never have it, which is gods plan. But, ever since we escaped nature and killed god our arrogance and hubris have grown to the point that we now think we know better than nature and in todays world we pass power around like its the fucking olympic torch and the weak lay in wait, just waiting for a time when we might fuck up and hand power to them. Which is why, so very often that when a weak person is given a power of attorney, made an executor of an estate, or a coach, or a judge, or a teacher, or an HOA board member or god forbid a cop or some type of a politician, that power reveals their true hidden tyrannical nature.

Evil really does exist in the world, it’s all around us all the time in the most banal and insignificant places and in the weakest and most pathetic people. Tyrants, authoritarians and dictators, they walk among us, hidden in plain sight, like fucking sleeper agents just waiting for an unnatural shift in power to go their way and once the weak are sure that you cant punch back that’s when their assault begins. Power didn’t corrupt them it just allowed them to be the tyrant they have always been but had never had the power to be and by removing the restrictions that nature has erected to keep them in their place they are free to be as vile as they really are.

Weak leadership creates hard times and hard times create strong men. Strong men created good times and good times created weak men and now those weak men have been passed the torch of power through democracy, monarchy, money, equality, diversity, inclusion, etc and they are once again creating hard times for us all.

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