He Stole His Kids' Christmas Gifts for Crack | Full Interview

10 months ago

Gerald is a homeless man in Austin that lost his family because he repeatedly stole his children's Christmas gifts and sold them for crack. He's been addicted to crack for about 15 years, and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

He had a lot of interesting theories as to how to end homeless. He also describes the current state of homelessness in Austin, Texas and how it has changed since the dispersement of the tent city that existed a few years ago.

Austin, Texas is experiencing one of the worst homeless crises in all of America at the moment, and while some measures have been taken to mitigate the problem, nothing has seemed to slow down the ever-increasing homeless population there.

We hope Gerald finds his peace.

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Director: Charles Leith & 6 7 Kevin Kalb
Editor: Charles Leith
Camera Operator: Charles Leith

Thumbnail Design by: Charles Leith

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