WHO stands some actions down

2 months ago

Molly Kingsley, Founder of Us for Them UK: "On any measure the new draft (of Pandemic Treaty, amendments to the International Health Regulations) represent really significant climb down on a number of key issues...there were probably 6 or 7 really egregious examples of overreach by the WHO and in pretty much every case they have either been deleted or watered down entirely so from that point of view I think this should be treated as something of a victory. However it's important to remember that these amendments to the International Health Regulations were only ever intended to strengthen an existing architecture. So that underlying health architecture remains, it will still be strengthened to an extent, just not as to the extent the WHO were proposing year, year and a half ago...That provision that was found in a new article 13a it would have turned the WHO's ability to make advisory recommendations only into effectively binding mandate that would require states to comply and there was whole compliance architecture built around that. The compliance architecture is still there but crucially the WHO's recommendations will remain just that, from a legal point of view...Another provision that we were deeply shocked by really was in the draft that was released year and a half ago - a reference to the primacy of dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms was deleted, it was literally struck out. That deletion has been dropped, so dignity, human rights and freedoms still prevail by the looks of it. And then the other thing that I think is very significant is in the original draft, the WHO had attempted to claim for itself the powers as a global censorship agency and to give itself vast, vast surveillance and censorship powers. They have largely, not entirely, but they have largely been dropped...They were egregious documents of the type that you almost have to rub your eyes in disbelief and I think it leaves massive questions. Perhaps the immediate threat has subsided a bit...
Source: GBNews (YouTube)

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