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The Agenda

10 months ago

The Antichrist will need artificial intelligence to run his beast system. Already versions of it are omnipresent, omniscient, and have other “godly” qualities. The agenda is in play today as the stage is being set for the Antichrist system.

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  • 0/2000
  • I think that AI making the human race go extinct is one of many reasons why God said if the days were not cut short no flesh would survive. I also tend to agree with Billy Crone who explained why God said let not the man on his rooftop come down and enter his house and let not the man come in from the field go to get his clothes... because all those nifty devices that we fill our homes with, Siri, Alexis, etc, for the sake of convenience and entertainment are spying on us.

  • Thank you both for your wonderful updates. Praise the Lord for the body of Christ!

  • The Beast System

  • I find it interesting how mankind went from cubits to Q-bits....

  • love Yas all!! bless U🙏👍💪col western Australia 🦘🦘🦘

  • This is ancient fallen angel technology that has been taught to mankind. It's the only way Satan and his coming beast can act like all seeing gods and command worship later on. The "genie" has been let loose out of the bottle so to speak. It's a really evil bad one.

  • The R+D of super soldiers in China is well and truly under way. They started a project over 15 years ago to create a dozen, 9 foot tall muscular men and women, with all hereditary illness removed using C.R.I.S.P.R. AI however is fragile, it has a glass jaw! One rogue file can crash its' operating system, just as the files that do exist in it have exposed the human bias, such as, portraying God as a black Asian man based on the data that was input by its' developers. Don't stress too much about AI. The 'nephilim like' beings from China will come soon.

  • Noah harrari,shwabbs,Soros,!! too many to mention!! make me sick!! I'm Christian but struggle with thoughts I have of what I'd like to do to them all!! just have to wait 4 god to deal with these👿kretins👿👿👿

  • The video just stopped working about 2/3 through.


  • Good news in times of trouble https://rumble.com/v4splrh-the-gift-come-out-of-her-my-people-part-11.html

    1 like
  • Sorry AI, but you are NOT all knowing -- you only know what has been uploaded to you; you are NOT present everywhere -- you are only present when man allows you to be present; you are NOT all powerful -- as soon as your power source (electricity) is shut down, you cease to have ANY power whatsoever; and, finally, you are most definitely NOT "omnibenevolent" for you have no ability to demonstrate the emotions of love, empathy, mercy, etc., toward anyone or anything.

    1 like
  • don't be decieved!! he best option considering your government is evil to the core👿but Trump ain't what he appears to be!! haughty looks,full of pride,winking eyes, flattering lips!! ie proverbs!! and he all 4 vaccines now,o think he a fraud,a wolf in sheep's clothing!! c'mon Jan surely U can see that???

  • Meanwhile our country is being communized (which they couldn’t have done it without Trump) and ppl like you think Trump is going to save them! Wake up!

  • If I don't believe in the pre-trib rapture am I doomed. Someone told me at church if I didn't believe in pre-trib I didn't belong at the church,