This US Army General Reveals The Truth About What Happens To The Human Soul During Your Last Moments

10 months ago

30 Apr 2024
This US Army general reveals the truth about what happens to the human soul during your last moments. This US Army general reveals what happens during your last moments.

Recently, a retired Army staff member bravely shared intriguing insights regarding the fate of the human soul after your last moments.

He said the following.

When you pass away, you have choices.

You don't know this, but you have choices.

When you leave your physical body, it's very typical for you to see yourself standing next to your body, with either your loved ones, or EMTs, or whatever your circumstances are, and you see yourself, and then you will hear a voice and you will see the tunnel of light, and the voice will be calling you, or you will hear the voice telepathically, telling you to come on.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

Unexplained Mysteries

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