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Will Covid-19 be followed by a tuberculosis pandemic.... – and will antibiotics no longer help?
Heiko Schoening reveals the criminal planning of a new pandemic. It is conspicious how much the disease tuberculosis is currently being discussed. Are we being prepared for this by various incidents? In medical journals, specific professional groups are increasingly confronted with the topic of tuberculosis. BioNTech announced that it is already working strenously on a new tuberculosis vaccine.
Once again, a deception is being prepared, just like with Covid. Now so-called "antimicrobial medicine" is to be offered as antibiotics! According to physician Schoening, the "antimicrobial antidotes" lead to a clearing of the intestines. Many helpful bacteria are killed. In this case, tuberculosis or any other treatable disease can become very dangerous. Organizations that have proven to be criminal are preparing extensively for the next pandemic.
The physician Heiko Schoening was chief medical officer of a biotech company in the field of immunology, he ran a university center for medical technology and was also head of a pharmaceutical contract research institute.
Heiko Schoening was the only person world-wide to warn the public against the pandemic planned by criminals for 2020. Schoening revealed the perpetrators’ names and factories in advance. His prognosis of the Corona staging actually came true. The evidence was summarized by Heiko Schoening, author of the book "GAME OVER: COVID-19 | ANTHRAX-01". The book contains a DVD with Schoening’s 2019 forewarning of the vaccination obligation and the pandemic.
In a Kla.TV interview [] on December 30, 2023, he presented evidence of another planned pandemic. This time it would be of bacterial "nature". Heiko Schoening reveals the criminal planning of a new pandemic. The new panic will no longer be caused by viruses, as it was the case with coronavirus, but most likely by bacteria. The new pseudo-savior won’t be vaccinations, primarily but rather genetically engineered antibiotics that attack our intestinal flora. Even healthy people will once again be forced to take dubious medication. Schoening predicts that this global attack on the natural human microbiome will begin in 2025 at the earliest. The technical production preparations he has uncovered should be completed by then. Factories capable of producing bioweapons are said to be the key.
The new crime planning with bacteria and antibiotics has already been published as a book, in time. Will Heiko Schoening be right again? Or will his warning be taken seriously enough this time?
In his interview, Heiko Schoening describes the structures and patterns used by the masterminds behind clandestine plandemics: Step one: A spreading damaging event is being announced. In the second step, panic is created and restrictions are imposed, only to immediately offer the supposedly only salvation in a third step.
In this program, we investigate whether there are already indications of such an approach. This includes the observation of current events. Are we already, by various incidents, being prepared for such a scenario before it is actually set in motion? We came across some interesting information and have worked up this program as a kind of simulation game for the next plandemic announced by Heiko Schoening.
What could a so-called damaging event look like, and are preparatory steps already recognizable?
In December 2023, a single person was diagnosed with tuberculosis, or TB for short, at the University of California, Davis. This prompted the university to initiate contact tracing. Immediately afterwards, the WHO reacted to this single case: It wrote that 1.3 million people died from TB in 2022.
BioNTech also announced that it is already working with high pressure on a new tuberculosis vaccine. The project is being supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others.
However, before a planned pandemic of global proportions can be "sold" as such to a large section of the population, awareness needs to be raised in advance.
Are there signs of such a heightened awareness?
In medical journals, specific professional groups such as doctors, pharmacists and scientists are increasingly confronted with the topic of tuberculosis. The articles are professionally oriented, but spread the "concern" that normal treatment is no longer possible due to the development of resistance.
The report of the above-mentioned single case of tuberculosis at the University of California, Davis was supplemented by the University of Zurich with the comment: "Despite years of mass vaccination with the common vaccines against tuberculosis [...], TB remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases. Due to the impact of the ongoing Covid-19 plandemic on the detection and treatment of tuberculosis cases, the number of cases is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. Together with the increasing incidence of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB), tuberculosis represents one of the greatest challenges to global health that can only be ended with a new and more effective vaccination strategy against tuberculosis epidemics."
As the issue of TB is now becoming more prevalent, one might ask whether the relevant professional groups are supposed to be informed or "prepared" in advance here. This also includes special events, such as the 2nd Clinical Tuberculosis Symposium [Mycobacteriosis Section] of the German Society for Infectious Diseases (DGI) on May 3 and 4, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.
"But why have we focused on tuberculosis in this program?", some attentive viewers might ask themselves. Surely there are other diseases and pathogens that would be "suitable" for a pandemic?
It is quite conspicious how much the disease tuberculosis is currently being discussed. What’s more, TB is not a completely unknown disease and has already taught many people to fear it in the past. A comparison with history more than a hundred years ago and the current plandemical situation reveals striking similarities. For example, the tuberculosis mortality rate after the so-called Spanish or Russian flu of that time reached its respective peak during or shortly after the major pandemics. Today we know that the Spanish flu mortality rate was preceded by a large-scale vaccination campaign. Kla.TV has already reported on this [] What happened during the Covid plandemic? Vaccinations were given on a large scale. Countless of the alleged Covid sufferers had serious bacterial pneumonia.
The well-known bacterial disease tuberculosis is caused by pathogens that mostly affect the lungs. Lymph nodes, pleura, kidneys or other organs are less frequently affected. In historical films, it is not uncommon for sick people to cough up blood and that sealed their fate, so to speak. The fear of tuberculosis is still deeply rooted in many people’s subconscious.
Tuberculosis is a so-called dormant disease. In general, panic is not appropriate, say some. As a rule, the immune system successfully fights the pathogens, which is why not everyone who comes into contact with the bacteria falls ill. Others, however, urgently warn against this "deadly" disease. Symptoms include coughing, tiredness and night sweats, which could almost match many illnesses. This already allows for a basic uncertainty, especially for people who are particularly anxious. Of course, these statements are not intended to play down the really dangerous to fatal courses of tuberculosis in immunocompromised people. They are merely indications of why a disease that is generally easy to treat could be ideally suited to a plandemic, as a certain preload of thoughts already exists.
The bacterial disease tuberculosis is still usually treated with antibiotics. The fact that there are now bacteria that are resistant, which means ineffective, to many or even all antibiotics fits into this picture like a piece of a puzzle.
At this point, an explanation on our intestinal flora and the consequences that antibiotic resistance can have:
At the beginning we mentioned the interview with Heiko Schöning on a bacterial plandemic. The physician Schöning also explained that after a mass panic with bacterial pathogens, genetically engineered antidotes are offered and labelled as "non-traditional antibiotics". Once again, a deception is being prepared. Just like with Covid, when many people were sold an mRNA gene therapy as a vaccination. Now so-called "antimicrobials" are to be offered as antibiotics! Most likely they will be marketed in tablet form, like the traditionally known antibiotics.
Here is a brief explanation: In simple terms, the symbiosis in our intestine, the so-called microbiome, is the sum of all bacteria and fungi that colonize humans. The microbiome controls the digestive process. It is a key to health, because the microbiome also trains the immune system. There are more beneficial organisms in the intestine than a person has cells. These creatures help us by breaking down the food we eat. With their messenger substances and the food components they allow to pass through or not, they determine both how we feel and how we are.
If there is an incorrect colonization, with bad bacteria gaining the upper hand, this can lead to apathy, depression and many other illnesses. It is therefore crucial which bacteria spread in the intestine.
Heiko Schöning explains that the bioweapons industry has been researching the genetic structure of bacteria for decades. The structure of bad bacteria has been extracted to introduce their toxins into certain plants such as lettuce, cannabis, tobacco and tomatoes. Highly bred – Heiko Schöning calls it "weaponized" – and widely spread, they will be able to harm and even kill many people.
The big question will arise: What helps against it? According to physician Schöning, the "antimicrobial antidotes", lead to a clearing of the intestines. As with any common antibiotic therapy, many helpful bacteria are killed. The new antimicrobial medication can be produced in such a way that almost no new, natural bacteria can colonize, as should normally be the case. Since only monocultures of resistant bacteria remain, humans are immunocompromised. In this case, tuberculosis or any other treatable disease can also become very dangerous.
In the meantime, panic about people excreting nasty bacteria can be fueled perfectly. This in turn provides an excuse to declare lockdowns and quarantine. The surveillance industry, which has already been tested for COVID, can also be expanded further.
Heiko Schöning warns: Nose samples will be replaced by stool samples! The aim of the nose sample was to obtain the human genetic code. The stool sample is used to record the genetic code of the bacteria in the intestine. The protective intestinal flora becomes transparent. The companies for these tests are actually already active. They are the same suspicious major investors as with Corona. "There are also associated companies that monitor toilets and wastewater from houses and airplanes. This can lead to deliberate closures of traffic, houses and city districts so that the restrictions on freedoms can also be increased arbitrarily. [...]"
At this point we briefly summarize: Heiko Schöning predicts a bacterial plandemic caused by criminals. Schöning reveals by name who is building which production capacities and where. He explains that such plandemics often follow a pattern: 1. damaging event, 2. panic and restrictions and 3. mandatory rescue offers.
The physician and reserve officer of the federal armed forces, Heiko Schöning, emphasizes: "Weaponized bacteria are only suitable for mass damage in the short term. The so-called rescue, the antidote, is in truth harmful in the long term.
We point out: Scaremongering is underway. At the beginning of 2024, the bacterial panic about Japanese streptococci was spread. With our example of tuberculosis (TB) tracking, we show the fear-mongering about TB and antibiotic resistance. We explain why we chose TB as an example for such a simulation game and how our microbiome could be damaged to tie us to antimicrobials, not to be confused with antibiotics. Meanwhile, lockdowns, quarantines and economic blockades can be declared.
The examples given so far also clearly show that Heiko Schöning could not only be right with his specific warning of a further plandemic, but that this could, as he explains, take place on a bacterial production basis.
As for the scaremongering mentioned at the beginning ...
... all the "experts" at symposia were already in the wake of widely spreading fear. In addition, there are increasing media reports that tuberculosis and malaria are among the deadliest infectious diseases in the world and are becoming more widespread, not least due to advancing climate change. In both cases, antimicrobial resistance means that established active substances can often no longer be used effectively.
Even the President’s Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria [PACCARB] in the US has been urged to include steps to prevent and combat drug-resistant infections in their pandemic preparedness plans, even if the next pandemic is viral in nature.
In April 2023, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) also held a symposium entitled "Global Health Symposium" on the topic: "The foreign policy of collective action: lessons for the future of global health" [The Foreign Policy of Collective Action: Lessons for the Future of Global Health]
One speaker was Ramanan Laxminarayan, founder and director of One Health Trust. [formerly Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy , producing independent research on global health, infectious disease control, drug resistance and vaccines] For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to Mr. Laxminarayan as "Lax".
"Lax" explained to the participants that another pandemic must be expected. He said that antimicrobial resistance was a clear and present danger to current health, - and pay attention – which many countries have now become aware of in the pandemic sense. He claimed that decades of animal protein consumption have led to a high risk of antibiotic resistance: “So I don’t think, you know, it’s too early for us to be taking that very seriously because this way of raising animal protein is likely to pose the biggest risk for us in terms of the next pandemic, whether it’s avian influenza or certainly with antimicrobial resistance. And last thing to mention is that I know in pandemic preparedness we’re very focused on viral pathogens, but we have to remember that historically it’s bacterial pathogens – whether, you know, plague or cholera – that were responsible for most of the world’s pandemics And one of the reasons why we don’t see as many bacterial pandemics is because the antibiotics work. And if the antibiotics stop working, as they have in many parts of the world, we are at risk for a bacterial pandemic as well, or a viral pandemic with secondary bacterial infections which could be equally bad if not worse."
Well, through the staged factory farming, humanity has been encouraged by excessive meat consumption in order to make it antibiotic-resistant afterwards with the same meat that can no longer be bred without antibiotics. In any case, as founder and president of the One Health Trust, which is co-financed by the usual suspects, Mr. "Lax" seems to be very well informed about future pandemics and pathogens.
Here are more press reports that are likely to create a basic panic in the subconscious: "Monday, November 27, 2023: Stockholm – Hospitals in Greece are facing increasing problems with bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics."
"Around a quarter of the world's population is latently infected with tuberculosis pathogens, 10.6 million people contract tuberculosis every year and around 1.3 million die from it."
"Every year, around five million people worldwide die from antibiotic-resistant infections, and this number is expected to double by 2050."
"For years, the number of tuberculosis infections and deaths fell. Albeit slowly, the world moved forward. For the past two years, however, tuberculosis has been making a comeback. The death rate is rising again worldwide. Many scientists and doctors are anxiously asking: "What happens now?" etc.
The list of such titles could go on and on, but it is well known how inventive our media are when it comes to spreading pandemic ideas.
Further indications of a plandemic – the third point: the rescue ...
Bill Gates is determined to keep pandemics on the agenda, as he has stated in various media reports: "Bioterrorism and climate change are the next biggest threats after the pandemic," says Gates, who certainly already has solutions at hand with investments in the company Vedanta, as Schöning writes.
But Gates is not the only one to leak the next steps in the agenda. An article on the WEF website talks about a mysterious "disease X": "It’s a virus that we don’t know yet, but we do know is out there." At the same time, the BBC reports on research for a vaccine for the mysterious "disease X". These would take place in Porton Down, of all places, an English laboratory notorious for its work on chemical and biological warfare which is explained in detail in Schöning’s books.
Prof. Harries, CEO of the UK Health and Safety Authority (UKHSA), which is responsible for these laboratories, says herself: "Covid is obviously not an isolated case". According to Uncut News, "Porton Down, one of the UK’s most secretive centers for scientific research, has set itself the goal of stopping the next pandemic right from the start. The new facility is located in rural Wiltshire, UK, and is one of the few places in the world equipped to study some of the most dangerous viruses and bacteria [...]. However, the new vaccine research center has shifted its focus to researching "Disease X," a term used by the WHO as a "surrogate" for a disease still unknown to medical science that will take the world by complete surprise. [...]" Prof. Harries is further quoted by Uncut News: "We say this [Covid] was the biggest public health incident in a century, but I don’t think any of us believe it will be another century before the next pandemic occurs."
And as a final example of preparatory steps, the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos on January 17 this year should not be forgotten. Attorney Bahner posted about this: "The death rate from "Disease X" is expected to be 20 times higher than the coronavirus pandemic, Klaus Schwab’s WEF reports on its website.[...] The list of speakers alone is enough to tell you what kind of game is being played here. A colorful potpourri of WHO, WEF and pharmaceutical lobbyists and of course their propaganda media: Planning had already begun in the summer of 2023 and it was agreed that a new "disease X" was coming that would be 20 times more deadly than COVID-19 and could claim almost 50 million lives. The US Congress therefore passed the "Disease X Act of 2023" on June 5, 2023, which specifies which medical countermeasures are required."
All the "well-known" pharmaceutical companies and the minds behind them have been working for a long time to join forces in the fight against tuberculosis and to look for alternative, more tolerable vaccines and administration options in research. The WHO has announced that it is "writing the final chapter in the story of tuberculosis." [by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General WHO]
Dr. Tereza Kasaeva, Director of the WHO Global Programme for TB, also wants to be on board for the rescue: "We have strong commitments with concrete targets, made by world leaders in the political declaration of the second UN high-level meeting on TB, which provide a strong impetus to accelerate the TB response. [...] We need all hands on deck to make the vision of ending TB a reality."
The fact that "all hands on deck" actually means ALL can be seen from the contributors to the "TB Vaccine Pipeline". It is a list of researchers who managed to get into the top ranks of TB vaccine research through massive funding, by universities, private corporations and pharmaceutical companies or our "favorite philanthropists". Influential countries on five continents are represented. Anyone who has the necessary big money and has something "meaningful" to contribute from a scientific point of view can get in. According to [TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative], as of January 2024, the pipeline includes 22 vaccines in various stages of development. Here you can see the groups that are currently listed in the "TB Vaccine Pipeline".
Here are just three examples from the pipeline: Oxford University is researching an aerosol vaccine that only needs to be inhaled. This could theoretically be sprayed over economically weaker regions, the application is said to be simple and well tolerated. Caution! Does this not remind us of similar spraying campaigns? [ 28114]
BioNTech, co-financed by Bill and Melinda Gates, is conducting the first studies on test subjects, e.g. also in Mannheim. There you can try out BioNTech’s new TB mRNA vaccine at Clinical Research Services (CRS) for an expense allowance of around €3000. The CRS does not inform the prospective test person that this is mRNA technology, but merely a "new trial vaccine against tuberculosis".
It is also known that BioNTech has been testing vaccines against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) since 2015. [AMR: insensitivity (resistance) of pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses to active substances such as antibiotics, antivirals]
The list goes on and on. The closer you look at it, the clearer it becomes how extensively these scientists are collaborating around the world.
At this point, we were inclined to go even further and describe entire networks and structures, as the physician and author Heiko Schoening describes them in his book. For the sake of time, however, we will limit ourselves to referring to the interview [ 27731] or his new book, where he names horse and riders of the pandemic race in detail. He mentions production facilities, owned for example by the company National Resilience, that has expanded considerably and has the exact tanks needed for the cultivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the production of bacterial toxins. Based on infected and genetically modified plants, they can produce masses of toxins or antidotes disguised under the term "antibiotics".
The production technology for genetic plants was officially ready for coronavirus vaccines as early as June 2020! But in Schöning's first book, GAME OVER, the criminal Dr. Richard Tubb, MD, was shown to be connected to the production companies K-Bio (formerly Kentucky BioProcessing) and MEDICAGO. As a result, MEDICAGO was shut down without much fanfare – despite vaccine approval – and billions in profits were foregone! This is a great success of Investigative Journalism. [ 27731]
Acquiring companies such as National Resilience are investing heavily in plant technologies, with over ten production sites in the USA, Canada and many more. Schöning also mentions names such as Rahul Singhvi, CEO of National Resilience [a technology-oriented bioproduction company].
The book "Attack on the Microbiome" describes a "top team" from National Resilience that can draw on billions in investment and was built virtually from scratch. Susan Desmond-Hellman from the Gates Foundation is the director. Next to her, Chris Darby from the CIA is also director. Most of the directors at National Resilience have nothing directly to do with biotech production because they are bankers, terrorism suspects or CIA employees with links to illegal arms and drug trafficking.
At this point, according to Heiko Schöning, anyone with common sense should ask themselves why National Resilience is now building up enormous production capacities on a global scale!
In the case of the coronavirus, the production companies were largely financed by GAVI; CARB-X for bacteria now follows the same pattern, writes Schöning. It is clear that the same game is being played again. The next plandemic is being prepared all over the world by clearly criminal organizations.
Once again, a brief summary:
At various conferences, thoughts about the next plandemic are being thrown around. We are being warned that climate change will bring new pandemics. Because we consume too much meat, antibiotic resistance is increasing. More press reports about antibiotic-resistant bacteria are creeping into people’s minds as a basic panic. But the rescue is also already in production. Huge sums are being pumped into mRNA tuberculosis vaccinations, which are actually gene therapies. Bacterial toxins are produced from genetically modified plants as so-called antidotes on a grand scale. According to Heiko Schöning, this is to be marketed in the form of pills or similar, disguised as antibiotics. This is because many educated people could become suspicious with a vaccination.
Whether it will be Mycobacterium tuberculosis or a newly discovered pathogen from the Arctic, for example, that heralds the next plandemic – no matter, let’s not be distracted from focusing on the criminals from the outset – as Heiko Schöning aptly put it: "... do I have to take an antibiotic now or do I not have to take an antibiotic?" Two camps were set up early on, with similarly controversial discussions about whether to vaccinate or not.[...] In the past, the foundations of division, of divide and rule, were laid in many areas.
That’s why we should not be overcome by fear and panic. We should not lose track of the organized crime. We should publicly expose the projects and technologies they describe. So that the three points, such as damaging event, panic and rescue, no longer take anyone by surprise. By disclosing these patterns and structures, their masterminds and collaborators, the criminal plans can be thwarted!
from abu/wou/avr/bji/tt
“Contact tracing underway after tuberculosis infection at UC Davis”
Interview Kla.Tv with Heiko Schöning on bacterial plandemic:
Contact tracing after tuberculosis infection at UC Davis:
UC Davis and WHO 1.3 million deaths from TB2022:
UN says TB is bigger killer than Covid and Aids:
Definition TB:
TB mortality in Switzerland after influenza pandemic and Spanish flu – TB mortality due to vaccination:
BioNTech works on DNA/mRNA TB vaccine is funded by Gates Foundation:
Ärzteblatt Warning about highly resistant TB pathogens and TB in Greece:
TB Symposium of the German Society for Infectiology, May 3rd and 4th Frankfurt:
US government urges Presidential Council to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria:
Statements by Laxminarayan at the CFR symposium:
Press release on TB:
WEF-sickness X
Porton Down vaccine research centre – disease X
Davos-WEF Annual Meeting: Disease X- Beate Bahner:
Rescue from TB-Tedros and Tereza Kasaeva:
TB Vaccine Pipeline:
BioNTech Impfungen- BNT164b1:
University of Oxford aerosol immunisation:
Mannheim vaccination studies RNA-TB vaccination:
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