Best of Michael Collins Piper (MCP) April 2009

10 months ago

My Notes:
hang Rothschild
Gaza zoo
Dr Robert Faurison - Mark Webber must resign from IHR
46 O J Simpson intro
numbers symbols used by Jews
60 Israeli soldiers t-shirt killing pregnant women and children
Iran torture
$656 billion spent on Iraq war
Israel book
1.20 O J Simpson
1.43 Jewish attack on Easter
holocaust survivor Jews are bad people - Ben Gurion quote
kallikak & Jukes
2.02 Alex Jones fake attack by ADL
2.17 John Deminiqu 89 year old - not deported
2.33 the Jew cries out in pain as he hits you
2.37 Michael A Hoffman - Judaism Discovered banned from Amazon
Israel force Chinese workers to not have sex with Israeli women (which is similar to having sex with a pig)
2.45 Helena caller - John Taylor Gatto book "underground history of American Education" school teaching people to be dumb slaves
2.56 Caroline Yeager (Brittain controlled by Rothschild)
British intelligence set up the USA intelligence (OSS then CIA)
3.28 fake photos of Nazis murdering people
3.41 Dr Frederick Tobbin arrested by Jews regarding holocaust
3.45 ADL university policing
french comedian holocaust
3.54 Jew kid has toilet issues = anti-Semite
MCP song
4.00 Jewish IQ
4.11 holocaust memorial Day
Alan Keyes = William Crystal
4.30 Dianne Feinstein & Jane Harman corrupt Jews espionage
holocaust - photos of fat Jews
4.39 Alex Jones
treaty of Tripoli - USA is not a Christian country
4.44 book - insidious oaths
Nazi bashing - Jim Marrs - Trotskyists against Stalin
5.00 George H W Bush drug dealer & Clintons - Alan Keyes
5.19 Jane Harman dealing with Israeli spy =treason= hung
5.24 74% Jews support Israel = enemies of USA
Jewish students salute Hitler song
Mark Webber destroyed over 130,000 books, over $3 million
5.47 Revilo P Oliver
5.50 Jews arrested Dr David Duke in Check
6.01 we are in a secret war - we are being attacked by Jews
Israeli spy communicating with Jane Harman
6.17 ADL was spying on everyone
hate laws
checks = Jews
David Duke released
6.38 Swine Flu
jews hate Richard Wagner musician
Jewish pirates of the Caribbean
7.09 Eustace Mullins and Ezra Pound history
7.20.15 well said Mark. Rothschild learnt about the power of terror, in 1773, as is quoted in his protocols. refer to my video titled "Rothschild's war manual". also in part 1 of "corona Rothschild protocols", I provided the evidence from psychologists, which explains how strong emotions, such as terror, affect the brain.
MCP guest caller - Jews admit future wars will include censorship and attacking journalists

relevant videos
Ted Pike - Why The Mid-East Bleeds 2003
Ted Pike - Hate Laws Making Criminals of Christians 2001
The Other Israel by Rev Ted Pike 1987
Ted Pike - Zionism and Christianity Unholy Alliance 2003
MCP 26 Jan- 2 Feb 2007 Jimmy Carter IHR Holocaust Ted Pike Hate laws, mossad disguised as Arabs
The Jewish Plague (1-11) The Great Dr Revilo P. Oliver
Dr Revilo P Oliver - The Meaning of Americanism 18 March 1960
The Great Holocaust Trial (banned book) the Persecution Of Ernst Zundel - Michael A. Hoffman
Best witness - The Mel Mermelstein Affair 1994 – the malicious ‘legal’ attack on IHR (MCP)
Best of MCP Feb 2009 – IHR, Holocaust mossad Israel Inslaw promis Fritz Berg ADL spying (+ MLK)
Michael A Hoffman - Overcoming Orwellian Groupthink 1997 + intro
The Truth About The Talmud by Michael A Hoffman II and Alan R Critchley
Michael A. Hoffman II and Jeff Rense on 'Judaism Discovered' 2008
Michael A. Hoffman II - 5 Spiritual and Physical Israel
Michael A. Hoffman II - 4 Constitution Talmud & King James Bible
MCP Jews hate Putin, Newt Gingrich, Judaism = SELF WORSHIP 8 March 2006
Michael A. Hoffman II - 3 Bible Nullification - Jesus & Talmud
MCP CFR (Rothschild) Russia, Chertoff Traficant Duke, Rudolf Giuliani Mafia jews 7 March 2006
Michael A. Hoffman II – 1 of 5 Judaism's Strange Gods - The origins of Judaism, Talmud 2000
John Taylor Gatto -A Short Angry History Of Modern Schooling

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