Cheat Codes for Real Estate Investors

7 months ago

Some Video Game players get a cheat code so there is no way for them to lose. Wonder if you had that in Real Estate Investing?

There is something close to a cheat mode that is getting a seasoned professional to help you through all the processes.

They need a lot of experience in fact , are over 1000+ properties good enough? 99.5% success Rate?

This property needs some work and it was all spelled out in detail to this investor. They had the cost of the home, rehab and projected returns based on the history of this area.

Remember the MLS is audited and checked by the Association. Also every person that inputs into the MLS has a License to do so. That creates clear and accurate projections based on this information.

I will be at this home until it is completed and gets to the final destination.

Need a cheat mode for your real estate investing?

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