Menopause - What I wish I had known & A Natural Approach

10 months ago

A video that I wish I had had a few years ago and I hope it helps all who find it - whether pre-menopausal, going through menopause or well before or past it. A video also on ageing and growing older - men will also benefit from watching this too.
Looking at:
What I wish I had known before it arrived - and what I would have done differently
Looking at denial, and not wanting to look at 'what's over the wall' (as Metatron so accurately describes!)
Honouring the past, closing out cycles whilst acknowledging your younger self
Marking rites of passage from puberty to menopause and beyond, with Gaia's help and the sisterhood
Not using menopause as an excuse.....!
The beauty of 'the rose' at all stages of its life, not competing with daughters, honouring other women's journey and beauty
The place of older women in society
Womb healing messages and ancestral support
Messages from Mary Magdalene regards this generations menopause journey at a time of Divine Feminine awakening
The spiritual significance of menopause
Things that have helped me including diet, exercise and doing less - finding the right balance for a changed physiology for a changed landscape, and maximising the years you have left
Intimacy and getting older and more.

No guidance given is intended to be prescriptive - I am simply sharing what is working for me and what I have learnt, I also think it is important to be a voice that shows there are other holistic natural approaches to a woman's change if a medicalised route is not wanted.
For me at age 57 I feel well, happy and healthy - I wish health and happiness to all who listen to this.
If you would like a part 2 we can do that at some point, I have already talked on anxiety elsewhere but can return to this another day as its a big subject to polish off in just one video
Amanda x
#menopause #naturalmenopausen #hrt #Mary Magdalene

Video Links - Keto Dr Eric Berg

Meno Balance Gummies - THIS IS NOT A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT PLACEMENT, NON AFFLIATE LINK just that I know I will be asked

Collagen Supplements - AGAIN THIS IS NOT A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT PLACEMENT - NON AFFILIATE LINK just that I know I will be asked

Suggested Aura Sprays that are helpful as we navigate changes as women:
Mary Magdalene Divine Feminine, Archangel Metatron Ancestral Healing, and not shown in this video but Mother Mary Safe Harbour and Air Elemental (Freedom to be) would be good too:

Mary Magdalene candle burning in video:

Oracle cards:
The Creation Codes deck by Mica Blaise and Stacey L Tucker

The painting of the old woman is from the Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor - it is the card on being Open Minded - in this case to ageing!

To donate (thank you)

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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