X22 Report-3342-NP Shutdown By Fake News,Trump Is Unstoppable-Ad Free!

1 month ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3342a - [NP] Gets Shutdown By The Fake News, People Are Seeing The True Economy

The climate agenda failed, why, just look at China, it now emits more CO2 that the entire developed world combined, game over. The people are now seeing the true economy, the game is almost over. [NP] gets schooled by the fake news on jobs & Trump. Gold is money.
Ep 3342b - Colleges Come Into Focus ,The Establishment Is In A Deep Panic, Trump Is Unstoppable

 Colleges are now coming into focus, remember this is about the 2024 election and the infiltration. Sometimes you need to show the people and the people are now seeing it. The establishment is in a deep panic. They cannot stop Trump because he is unstoppable. The more the [DS] panic the more stupid moves they will make. In the end the people are going to see it all. 
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