X22 Report-3341-CB/WEF Try To Bring Western World Into Dark Ages,Trump Warns The DS-Ad Free!

7 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3341a - [CB]/[WEF] Trying To Bring The Western World Into The Dark Ages, People Are The Light

The climate scam is just that a climate scam, follow the money and you will that those who are pushing it will make a lot of money. The economy must come down around the [CB], they must be responsible for the destruction. It's time to end the endless.
Ep 3341b - Trump Warns The [DS], Stop The Protests, Trump Is The Storm

The [DS]/[Biden] are now caught covering up their crimes. They thought the people wouldn't see the political hit. Now the people understand what they have done, there is no going back and the [DS] knows this. They are now pushing chaos around the country. Trump has warned the [DS] to stop the protests [insurgency]. Trump has given them a warning, the [DS] will not listen. Trump is the storm and it's approaching.  
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