What is Mutah and its rules Mutah marriage | Is Mutah is allowd in Islam

28 days ago

@islamichistory813 #mutah #mutahmarriage #mutahcontract #islamictemporarymarriage #mutahandnikah #mutahcontroversy

Asslamoalaikum, sisters brothers friends and elders, today we are discribing that What is Mutah and its rules?

Muta marriage is a form of temporary marriage which was meant for enjoyment and for a specified period of time for which it ceases. "Muta" is an Arabic term which means"enjoyment or pleasure." Muslim men. A temporary and specific marriage contract with a set period is known as a “muta marriage

In mut'ah relationships, two people can choose to engage in a temporary or trial marriage. The man and woman must agree to a set length of time for the marriage to last. The man must also pay the woman an agreed-upon sum of money. Mut'ah is described in the Quran, but not all Muslims practice it today.

According to the Shias it is a very good deed to use women after giving them some pennies, without performing Nikah with them. It is even that, God forbid, it is permissible even with Sayyid women after giving them some money. This is so because they believe that performing Mutah gives them the rank of Husain, Ali and even the Holy Prophet (S). It is mentioned on page 50 of Burhanul Mutah: “One who performs Mutah once gets the rank of Hasan. One who performs twice gets the rank of Husain. One who performs thrice gets the rank of Ali and one who performs Mutah four times gets the rank of the Holy Prophet (S).”

Muslims view this hadith as notable since it can be seen as related to the Hadiths regarding the legality of Nikah Mut'ah, and is often mentioned when discussing those topics.

The comment of Imran ibn Hussain is regarding the Hadith of Hazrat Umar's speech of forbidding Mut'ah.

All Muslims agree that this hadith is authentic, and that Hazrat Umar did indeed forbid Mut'ah. However, there is dispute on how to define "Mut'ah" and whether or not it was forbidden before Umar. The hadith tells about a "Verse of Mut'ah" revealed in the Qur'an. Muslims disagree which verse is alluded to, since two different verses can be seen as the Verse of Mut'ah.

The first one is found in Sura An-Nisa, verse 24. its translation is

And (also forbidden are) all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah's ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to 'those whom you profit by (istamta´tum), give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.

The word "istamta´tum" is notable, because the word used literally means "to benefit, to enjoy, to profit".[5] Muslims differ on what is meant by Mut'ah here, and which judgement the verse gives about it. Generally, Shi'a Muslims tend to believe that Mut'ah here refers to the temporary marriage, and that this verse permits it.[6] Among the Sunnis, different view exists:

Some sunnis do not believe that this verse refers to the Nikah Mut'ah at all. This view was favored by Suyuti.

Some agree that the verse refers to the temporary marriage, but disagree that the verse permits it. Ibn Kathir cited the hadith from Mujahid ibn Jabr to this effect.

We pray to Allah Almighty to give us permission to follow orders of Quran and Hadith. Ameen Allah hafiz


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