X22 Report-3340-CB Trapped-No Matter What It’s Over-DS-China Election Interference Narrative-Ad Free

1 month ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3340a - [CB] Has Been Trapped, No Matter What They Do It’s Over, Trump On The Ready

The debt in the US has increased from 286 billion to 35,900 billion and what do the people see, are there better roads, bridges, etc.. No. Banks failures will most likely hit when the market comes down. Trump trapped the [CB].
Ep. 3340b - [DS] Begins China Election Interference Narrative, Military & State Secrets Privilege

 The [DS] is preparing for the election chaos, the fake Palestinian protests will morph as we get closer the the election. [DS] is already setting the narrative that China will interfere in the Presidential Election. Right on schedule. The [DS] is pushing to remove Presidential immunity, if this is done it means that all other Presidents can be brought up on charges. Will Trump be protected? Most likely yes because of the Military & State Secrets Privilege. If there is national security threat against this country the Command In Chief will be protected with immunity.
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