File Unlocker - Decrypt Ransomware and repair files .virus3

2 months ago

Version updated from V5.2.0 to V5.4.0

Decrypt and repair Ransomware files .HAZARD26
Repair files infected with the extension .HAZARD26

- Some modifications have been added in the new version to facilitate the file decryption process
Decrypt and repair Ransomware files

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The following has been developed:

- File recovery maintenance:
If you delete files and recover them again, Zox tools have been updated to successfully preserve and decrypt damaged files.

- Repair and increase the speed of maintenance of damaged files:
“When you change the name of the encrypted file, change the path to open the encrypted file, or modify the symbols, this leads to file corruption, so the files must be repaired before starting decryption.”
So don't mess with files due to piracy, just tell us and download decryption tools to make it easier for you.
(“ZOX Ransom” tool modifies files, repairs damaged files, and decrypts them with the rest of the files)
(Technical support has been added specializing in file repair through the screen sharing program, and this is an optional service, not mandatory)

- File decryption speed update added:
(This depends on the file type and size. For example, if it is a single regular file that is less than 1 GB in size, it will be decrypted in about 2 - 4 minutes, and if it is large files inside a folder, it will be decrypted in equivalent (1 GB) .
It will be decrypted in 4-6 minutes)

--More than 245 new extensions (Windows - Mac) have been added along with old extensions in the ZOX “Ransom” tool.
(Note if there is a non-Windows or Mac extension on the infected computer, such as Android, iPhone and other phones, it will be decrypted along with the rest of the infected files)

- An update has been added to the service of searching for hidden (encrypted) files, showing them with the rest of the files automatically, and successfully decrypting them with the rest of the files.
Hidden files are automatically read when files are scanned (device ID) when the encrypted folder is identified and the encrypted files are successfully decrypted.

- New payment methods via electronic currency have been added to facilitate payment methods.
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Recover all files with all extensions
.vb, .cs, .c, .h, .html, .7z, .tar, .gz, .m4a, .wma, .aac, .csv, .rm, .txt, .text, .zip, .rar .m, .ai, .cs, .db, .nd, .xlsx, .pl, .ps, .py, .3dm, .3ds, .3fr, .3g2, .ini, .xml, .jar, . lz, .mda, .log, .mpeg, .myo, .fon, .gif, .JNG, .jp2, .PC3, .PC2, .PC1, .PNS, .MP2, .AAC, .3gp, .ach, .arw, .asf, .asx, .avi, .bak, .bay, .mpg, .mpe, .swf, .PPJ, .cdr, .cer, .cpp, .cr2, .crt, .crw, .dbf .dcr, .html, .xhtml, .mhtml, .asp, dds, .der, .des, .dng, .doc, .dtd, .dwg, .dxf, .CSS, .rss, .jsp, . php, .dxg, .eml, .eps, .ert, .fla, .fla, .flv, .hpp, .docm, .docx, .flac, .iif, .ipe, .ipg, .kdc, .key, .lua, .m4v, .max, .xls, .yuv, .back, .mdb, .mdf, .mef, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpg, .mrw, .x3f, .xlk, .xlr .msg, .nef, .nk2, .nrw, .oab, .obi, .odb, .odc, .wmv, .wpd, .wps, .odm, .odp, .ods, .odt, .orf, . ost, .p12, .p7b, .vob, .wav, .wb2, .p7c, .pab, .pas, .pct, .pdb, .pdd, .pdf, .per, .sr2, .srf, .str, .ar, .bz2, .rz, .s7z, .apk, .zipx, .pem, .pfx, .pps, .ppt, .prf, .psd, .pst, .ptx, .rw2, .rwl, .sql ., .3gp, .qba, .qbb, .qbm, .qbr, .qbw, .qbx, .qby, .r3d, .raf, .raw, .rtf, .AVI, .indd, .java, .jpeg, . pptm, .pptx, .xlsb, .xlsm, .jpg, .png, .ico, .JPG, .MP4, .MP4, .FLV, .MKV...etc.

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