Pete Ricketts Opening Statements (Part 1 Better than You) - Nebraska Primary Debates 2024

7 months ago

Scott: Welcome back to the 2024 Nebraska Primary Debates. And now the opening statements from the Incumbent Imbeciles starting with Cheap Tricks Ricketts.

Cheap Tricks Ricketts : Hey guys so like it’s totally super cool to lie to your faces and talk down to all of you little people while I sell out the state and the nation. I am better than all of you and I know what is best for my power, money, and ego. I also know what’s best for your individual health and I will make those decisions for you and you will be getting more vaccinations from my big pharma business partners. I will continue to spend your tax dollars on manufactured foreign wars and fake foreign aid while getting back door deals and kickbacks. I’m also working hard to leave our border wide open and flood the nation and state with illegals to replace all of you who don’t vote for me and the globalist agenda. I promise to repeat globalist talking points no matter how stupid I sound and then at the end of my statement say “There’s no place like Nebraska”.

Scott: Well there you have it folks, the opening statement from Cheap Tricks Ricketts and he really thinks he’s right about everything no matter what every one else says. We’ll be right back with commentary from our “expert” analysts and Ian too.

Vote John Glen Weaver

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