Dr. Daniele Ganser: Turkey 1980, an illegal CIA coup (Cologne 3.6.2017) (english subtitles)

2 months ago

Swiss historian and peace researcher Dr. Daniele Ganser spoke on June 3, 2017 in Cologne about Turkey and the war in Syria.

Ganser explains that Turkey joined NATO in 1952. The Turkish military base Incirlik has been used by the USA for various wars in the Middle East.

In his presentation, historian Ganser emphasizes that NATO is led by the USA, and that it has always been important for the US Empire to keep Muslim Turkey in NATO. Therefore, during the Cold War, the CIA cooperated very closely with the Turkish military and intelligence services.

When General Kenan Evren took power in Turkey through the coup of September 12, 1980, the director of the CIA station in Istanbul, Paul Henze, pulled the strings in the background. "Your people have just staged a coup!" said US President Jimmy Carter to Paul Henze of the CIA at that time.

Ganser refers to the UN prohibition of violence, which clearly prohibits such CIA coups and states: All UN members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force.

With the financing and arming of rebels/terrorists who wanted to overthrow Syrian President Assad from 2011 onwards, and the invasion of Turkish tanks into Syria on August 24, 2016, Turkish President Erdogan also violated the UN prohibition of violence.

After conspirators in the Turkish military attempted to overthrow President Erdogan on July 15, 2016, he blamed the USA and the preacher Fethullah Gulen living in exile there for the attempted coup. Erdogan distanced himself from the USA and developed closer relationships with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated: "NATO played no role in the planning or support of the coup attempt in Turkey." But President Erdogan did not believe him. The "crossbearers" had tried to dethrone him. Distrust towards the USA has

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