The Solution (to the dog problem) WIP 2 UNCENSORED no captions

10 months ago

This is how we END the massive problem of dogs chewing on and biting people every year. Dog bites cost us over $1 BILLION in home owner's insurance alone in both 2022 and 2023. And that only covers approximately 17,000 to 19,000 incidents per year out of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of bite incidents per year, over 300,000 of which involve people going to emergency rooms every year. It doesn't cover lost wages, lost jobs, health insurance cost or anything else. Even those 17,000 to 19,000 incidents probably cost us a total of several BILLION per year, when all of the costs are considered... We had an average of 316,200 emergency rooms visits per year due to dog bites in the 2000's, and by now that has risen as the problem keeps getting worse every year. So this problem of dog bites probably costs the U.S. tens of BILLIONS of dollars per year, once the TOTAL cost is calculated.

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