Live Chat IndusTokens - 2024-4-30 Round 10 take 2 quick chat

4 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Round 10 take 2 quick chat
- Date: 2024-4-30
- Time: 2:45pm CST

For 2024.April 30
- 121st Day
- Lunar 3.22 Julian 4.17
- Tesla Date 3.20
- Groundhog day #142 - Round 10 Day 7 🍿
- OTD ( - Britannica ( -Current ( Events
— 1945.4.30 Death of Hitler

Items related to this chat
1. Geology
- Blinken
— Shanghai 上海豫园南翔小笼包-》 Tornado 龙卷风 - Guangzhou ( 钟鼎落 - Minden IA ( - Omaha Nebraska ( -Potawatomi (
— Beijing 北京 - LiPi ( Indonesia Ruang Volcano (
2. Financials - 2024.4.28 - “So It Begins”
- AutoChina 2024 (
- Tesla - Musk meet Li Qiang in Beijing (
- Baidu - Tesla FSD (
- XPeng - Flying car (
- Yen USD rate (
- ZIM - population (
3. Health
- China Professor, who published first COVID sequence, locked out of lab (

Breathe for balance

Enjoy The Journey!

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