An Overview of biden's 2024 "Stay duv duh Onion" Speesh

9 months ago

Respect is owed to the office, and earned by the man. If it is earned.

Truman, Coolidge, TR, had character. Andrew Johnson was a catastrophe -- but at least he did not seek the office -- bad judgment made him accept it, as Lincoln's bad judgment accepted the "Union Party's" choice.

People do seem to forget the actual reason the VP job exists -- death. (The oddity is Nixon's resignation -- Ford, selected, was VP for nine months.)

Of the inappropriate VPs, K Harris, S Agnew, A Johnson -- they were and are superlatives., of badness Henry Wallace, one of FDR's VPs, was a Soviet-Stalin dupe-pawn. So, it's never never never just balancing the ticket.

I hope to god K Harris remains just a blip, an asterisk -- first self-identified woman, and of non-transparency, in the office. Whatever minority or majority of favored African DNA she might or does possess -- not a privileging qualifier.

Fair-mindedness and merit would be most preferred.

But. Of all the men elected to the Presidency, the most disgraceful would be biden. clinton was a disgrace, but he was not incompetent. LBJ was a disaster for the Constitution, but he was deeply effective. Etc.

But, maybe that's what presidents are doing nowadays? Using Constitutionally required speeches to polarize the country and demonize opponents? State of Dis Union.

Given the fact of biden's self-identified chronological age, there's not a lot of time. We have only the hope that our magical thinking can conjure up.

Another shameful, political hack campaign speech, not as mumbled as usual, probably because they found the right cocktail of performance enhancers and amphetamines.

Jack H

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