Adventures for Connection Hosted Bill and Carmela LIVE on Saturday April.28th/24

2 months ago

Amazing amazing Honor to be on the Show with Tanja and Bill (Darrell Fay) !!!!
Discussing how I (Carmela) Am Cured By Cannabis tinctures, made by BILL aka Darrell Fay @ cannabistincture on FB - HE TRULY GAVE ME MY LIFE BACK - I AM FOREVER AT HIS SERVICE :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
and Bill (Darrell Fay) explains how the endocannabinoid system in YOUR body works ! Very informative, and really neat information everyone needs to know!!!!! #cannabiscures #cannabis #medicalcannabis
#adventuresforconntection #cannabistincture #curedbycannabis #zerohigh

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