The 164 ft hose was short

10 months ago

I bought the longest hose. Hose length 164 feet. But even this hose turned out to be short for our largest garden. You need about 70 more feet to reach the end of the garden. But no problem. I will walk the remaining distance and carry water in a watering can. It's still easier than walking 235 feet and carrying 6 gallons of water in your hands. Today it's almost 6 hours of watering the garden. Not tired! Because I watered most of it using a hose. Pleasant experience. But I need to learn how to roll the hose in a circle. You also need a fastener to tightly tighten the hose to the tap. There is a water leak in this area.

Many people think that using a long hose in the garden is not convenient. This is wrong. You must first lay the entire length of the hose. Water what is furthest away. And then drag the hose to the tap and water what is closest. This is a good tactic for handling a long hose. First, make the hose as long as possible. And then we shorten it.

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